Hey, some of you might remember a rant I posted a few days back complaining about email scores.

Well, I finished the project I needed them for and thought someone might be interested to give feedback or try and break it.

Basically, it's intended as a solution for the absolute mess our school is in before parent conference days. We're talking 3 pieces of paper per student, meaning about 3000 sheets being wasted every half year.

The beta version of the website is hosted at https://laravel.privateger.me/.

Seriously, take this apart as harshly as possible please. I'm sure there are a ton of issues I haven't seen.

The website is in German, but it should be really easy to understand even without knowing it.

If you get banned by the small protection thingy I added, tell me, I'll clear that.

Credentials here (students and teachers have different interfaces):

AbelMonika | Pass: 1emctd03m3pf | abel.monika@redacted.de
AchtertKristian | Pass: yne8ncqyzlq7 | achtert.kristian@redacted.de
AdamJanina | Pass: kakphpodpc0k | adam.janina@redacted.de

BerendsJana | Pass: 0829btgjnrc1wcd5 | jana.berends@redacted.de
BerqueFelix | Pass: 1p1b3zx7tzn45jm5 | felix.berque@redacted.de
BliengenMax | Pass: tuc6hd2hayixk0hn | max.bliengen@redacted.de

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    The login mask: everything in English, but then "Passwort vergessen" suddenly in German? Decide on one interface language. Maybe offering a choice to switch the language would be nice, especially if you store this in some cookie.

    Why using external resources from Google Fonts and Google APIs? You can host that locally. No, using Google directly won't benefit caching on mobile. It's just a privacy issue.

    Check out gtmetrix.com for performance issues - though most of that is probably because it's still in testing mode, e.g. expiry duration.

    However, there is 780 kB (WTF!) of JS, and it's render blocking (WTF!). Make that async, deferred or move it to the bottom of the page.

    Btw. who is M.B.? Is that you?

    Remember to remove the logrocket thing when done, or else the privacy policy would be quite awkward to defend.

    And put your static resources on cookie-free subdomains. That's one of the reasons for the www subdomain so that you can have the static subdomain without cookies.
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    Nice idea! This is something that annoyed me in school, too.

    I found a small problem: If not using auto complete at the search field (because one types faster than it), it will not give any results or even errors when clicking on "search".
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    @Fast-Nop How would I go about hosting the Google Font stuff locally?

    The humongous JS file is due to me having to use jQuery UI. Disgusting and large, but my teacher wants it.
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    @Fast-Nop I will finish translating all of the interface later on, I haven't bothered yet because I change almost everything daily.
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    @sbiewald Yeah, that's one core issue that I still am unsure how to solve.
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    @PrivateGER Well you just put the data on your domain, see e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions... .

    With the script, yeah OK, but you certainly don't need that for a login page. That should be possible with vanilla HTML/CSS. For forcing the browser to download and cache it, you can still include the script, but at the bottom of the page so that it doesn't block rendering. And use the minified builds.
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    @Fast-Nop Good point with the minified builds. The server is currently serving a simple webpack JS file that's not even minified.

    Minified it now, 571 KiB. At least a tiny bit better.
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    @PrivateGE the hidden "kakphp*" in the passwordfor Janina is wonderful.
    Can't c/p on mobile, might check later.
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    @xewl That's been randomly generated :D
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