Just finished the invite code challenge. it was incredibly difficult
Even with hints from forums 😢 but I'm in anyways☺

  • 1
    I suggest you practice a lot even on other labs. HTB tends to be a bit overwhelming for new people to pentesting :) good luck nonetheless!
  • 1
    Before attempting a box, check out ippsec on YouTube. He solves retired HTB boxes and explains every step.
    Good to learn from.
  • 1
    It really was hard for me as well - with zero experience. Steep learning curve. (I sticked to challenges too long, but they are also fun. Still only finished 2 boxes.)
    Have fun!
  • 0
    There's a similar level kind of thing on http://0xf.at It's similar to the invite challenge, where you solve things in Javascript or write small programs. Not as tough as HTB
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