fucking VS2017,

It takes like 1 minute to refresh stored procedures in the server explorer, It is so annoying especially if you need to constantly add new stored procedures.

and dont get me start on DBML at least once a week that shit fucking decided to crash VS2017.

Maybe I need to download more ram πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  • 2
    Use sql server management? It’s more lightweight. Also what does the SP do?
  • 1
    @devTea I use SSMS but I use DBML in my project where I drop the stored procedures into the DBML.
  • 1
    @Archeelux DMBL as in Entity Framework and mapping database tables?

    That has always gave me headaches, I sometimes end up deleting that file and adding it all over again every time I need to update mapped tables.
  • 1
    @gitpush Yeah I have to do that too :/
  • 1
    @Archeelux It wasn't like this, I recall VS 2010 had no issues of this type at all, I guess MS is rewritting stuff from the groundup and still needs time to mature :\
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