I swear to fucking god if one of my colleagues is going to yell "hosting" again at me (note they do it in a higher pitch than their normal voice)

I'm going to break something..

  • 2
    May i ask what happend? This sound Not so funny
  • 6
    @HerbertTot I don't know why..

    I am the first in line for any server related issues. One day o someone yelled "hosting" and some thought it was funny, then it escalated to a high pitch version they sometimes randomly yell because they find it funny I react to it..

    Like wtf is this? Middle school?
  • 6
    You mean something like this?
  • 5
    @Jilano Viking problems require viking solutions
  • 1
    @Jilano « why not break them so they don't sound anymore? »
  • 3
    Get an air horn. Everytime they say it ,send it... problem solved. 👌🏼
  • 3
    @badcopnodonuts Or you produce an even more hilarious sequence, imagine this:
    ~Hosting!~ MÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖP!
  • 0
    Nah man, next time they shriek "hosting"
    You moo in their face.

    If you ever do this, please update us on what happened next :)
  • 1
    @possum yes, sometimes even with their hands in the air
  • 0
    @incognito Now I‘m curious how that came to be
  • 2
    @possum it all started when we switched from a managed hosting provider to self managed AWS instances

    One day the lead architect who set it up asked me if I was interested in helping (because he noticed I developed with an Ubuntu os)

    I said yes because I thought I would learn a lot from it, and I did

    The problem is that a few months ago we had a big crisis, and I (almost single handedly) solved it. So then (I'm guessing) they thought I was very good at it (note, I'm still just a backend webdeveloper focused on PHP) and I guess I am (unofficially of course) the lead server management

    I say unofficially because:
    1. My salary never increased due to the extra hosting responsibility
    2. No one told me I got extra responsibility

    Though they expect me to work after hours if something is wrong (not down, just slow or something like that)

    My teammates noticed my stress and/or responding to hosting calls so now if they need me, for anything..

    They yell hosting or slack HOSTING in all caps.
  • 1
    @incognito Oh dear god, that does sound bad indeed
  • 3
    @possum oh well venting on devrant always helps a lot ❤️ I also have a interim assessment soon so I'm thinking of either more pay or stop with the hosting

    (So either more reward or less stress) but have to think about it
  • 1
    @incognito Request compensation for additional responsibility. Refuse to work overtime without overtime pay. If they want you to do something, they should pay you for that something; that's how capitalism works.

    Edit: algo necro. 😕
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