  • 3
    Live reloading?
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded yeah, it's just a few threads with a basic HTTP handler class. And I need to add WebSockets and JavaScript to that (to do actual live reloading and not just rebuilding it in background and F5ing in browser)
  • 2
    @mishaor Ahh, not in production? Haha
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded not yet, because that Python 3 clusterfuck of a codebase doesn't have styles yet so no way of doing any fancy things. but it will be when it will have that functionality. ;)
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    @mishaor No build pipeline? No tests? Even just coding directly in production can be quite, well, not good...
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    @ScriptCoded there will be a build pipeline... and tests
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    in fact, there are tools to execute it (GitLab CI)
  • 2
    @mishaor But still live reload in production? Now that sounds interesting. What's the pipeline for then?
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded no, that's gonna be local. but it will be helpful when I get an actual server and want to keep the same CMS. the build pipeline on GitLab will use the "generate" command. also GitLab CI (at least on shared runners) is slow as fuck. :(
  • 1
    @mishaor Ahh, okey then :) CircleCI is another free alternative that is pretty nice :)
  • 0
    @lunorian I politely refuse to use WordPress.
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