our tester arguing with software house about blocker severity bug

SH: "No, this bug is not possible. It's possible only when you are logged as admin in other tab"

T: "I managed to replicate it in another browser in private mode"

SH: "But you can't replicate the bug now"

T: "True that I don't know steps to replicate it and it occurs just sometimes... Let me check right now"


T: "Okay, I managed to replicate it right now in private mode in other browser on normal user account"

SH: "Because you are admin"

They are pretending to be idiots or just are?

  • 3
    You guys need a new software house.

    Or just need to bring all your coding in house, of course.
  • 1

    Im all in for option #2.

    And we already scratched them, but right now we just want to pull out anything that we paid for in working condition from them.

    We are using external software house becouse we dont have resources to do everything we need to progress with some projects. Kind of fallback I would say.
  • 1
    @DubbaThony IMHO software houses will slow you down rather than speed you up most of the time. You'll spend longer managing them than you would just writing the code from scratch.
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    Learned it hard way. I learned that freelancers are the best for quick "power up" for company.

    Although we couldnt do so many projects in that time... soooo yeah, if they were competent we would come up on top of this situation... But nobody predicted that they will be bunch of idiots.
  • 1
    @DubbaThony Perhaps I'm just unusually harsh, but all software houses are a bunch of idiots in my mind until they've solidly proven otherwise.
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    I can gladly confirm that one of software houses that we cooperate with for longer time is very competent although they can get really freaking slow. Also they dont try to earn as much as humanly possible, we had even situations where some minor feature costed us literally below 10 dollars (minority level like adding shortcut buttons) and also trivial changes are usually free...

    So we have one that proven otherwise. But didnt had resources to do couple projects at once...
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