I'm so fed up with our current "Bugtracking"system.

In the past we've been using mantis bt.
A heavily modified version though. Exactly specified to the developers needs with an integration to our own desktop software, which has time tracking and reports.

Also we had a separate mantis for everyone else.
Support guys and so on.

Everything was working fine.

But then "someone" decided that we shouldn't have two different mantis versions running and should integrate the support into the developer version.

Well ok. Makes sense.
So we changed mantis a bit so we can better differentiate the projects and tasks.

But "someone" is just too fucking dumb to understand how mantis works.

So after some time "someone" decided we won't be using mantis anymore, but a steaming pile of shit we have no control of how it works.
(It's called Wrike if you want to take a look at that)

It's completely useless if you want to use it as a bugtracker.
Maybe it works for the support guys I thought and asked them.
Seems they barely use it. They rather write everything down on paper and manually write their times into our desktop software now. Fucking awesome!

And even better. "Someone" isn't using this confusing and totally useless shit either.

I'm fed up.
I'm gonna set up a new version of mantis write everything the wrike api gives me into it.
Also need to modify it, so it works with our desktop software again.
And an integration with our Gitlab would be nice too I guess.
(Can't use the old mantis version we had, because it didn't have projects inside projects, which because of Wrike now is needed to sync)

Lots of work...
So much time wasted...
And so much time still has to be wasted...

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