Found out all my coworkers use light theme... guess I’ll be the oddball then.

  • 0
    Truly they are demon spawn. (irony notwithstanding)
  • 1
    It's your mission to bring them over to the dark side
  • 4
    Most people do in my experience. People who use a dark theme just tend to shout about it the loudest.
  • 2
    @nibor @duckWit just found out that they’re using a propriety ide and when you try to change to dark it doesn’t work! So my coworker just gave up and continued to use light haha. We’re allowed to use Pycharm though hehe
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce so dark side users are the vegans of the dev world
  • 2
    @nibor Yes. And I say that even as a vegetarian myself.
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