
Oh boy! Here we fucking go lads!

Mods are fantastic and people deserve recognition for what work they do, but as soon as you begin to start taking your work and trying to strip someone else's name from something is bullshit.

No Bethesda aren't perfect and yes the Nexus mod community do some great things, but without Bethesda there would be no Nexus and as soon as you try to make your efforts the forefront of someone else's work you can stop.

If I was to take devrant and place my logo on it and just call it a modification guarantee people would be upset, what's the difference here?

End scene.

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    While I agree with your sentiment, have you considered all the possibilities? Maybe this mod was made just for the fun of making it. Maybe it was a portfolio piece or homework assignment. There may also be legitimate personal reasons (e.g. photo-sensitive epilepsy, although maybe not in this case) for wanting to change the logo that your or I might never think of.

    I think people online are often to quick to jump to conclusions.
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    @retnikt Its description: "Simply replaces the Bethesda Game Studios logo on the main menu to the Nexus Mods logo. Because who is really making the game here?

    I can't be the only one that pretty much has more modded files than actual Bethesda assets, right?

    So I thought to myself: we should give the community some credit. Which leads me to this."

    I don't think they were jumping to conclusions at all. Whether you have the same opinion is something else but... the motivation isn't exactly hidden.
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    "oh yeah we love this game that took thousands of dollars to make by a large team of dedicated programmers, voice artist, level designers etc, let's miss in some anime toys, make everyone nude and maybe add a new gun or 40, oh look I've done more work than the people who actually put in effort and care, this is my game not theirs"

    - Self entitled modders, 2019
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    @BluePanda OK that is pretty blatantly ripping off the game.
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    @lxmcf the creators are referring to Bethesda's "the community will fix the bugs so we won't" mentality (search "Fallout 3 community patch" and "Fallout New Vegas community patch")
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    @Parzi I understand that but I think the way they worded it and went about it is 100% cunt
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