
Javascript === Polish

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    język poperdoliło (yeah this is the maximum I can write/understand in polish)
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    I knew I‘d have to call a witcher, there is some metaphysical shit going on in js
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    @possum came here expecting a Witcher comment, thank you
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    Has transpiling gone too far?
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    Frankly, it's all Greek to me
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    If Google Translate manages to translate JavaScript to English, it will have a standing ovation from me.
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    Well... "String" is kind of in Polish. Can mean women's thong.
  • 0
    You are close but no cigar m8.
    That sentence that you are trying to construct can have few different meanings.

    My best guess:
    Popierdolony język.
    (Fucked up launguage)

    Popierdolony - insult, fucked up, general form

    Jesteś popierdolony - insult, you are fucked up

    Język - verb, means launguage or tounge, general form
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    @Gregozor2121 Actually, "język popierdoliło" = vulgar variant of "język pomyliło" (= it has mixed up languages) which completely makes sense.
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    @Gregozor2121 "Język" is a noun... I think.
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    Doskonale o tym wiem :P

    @cprn You are right. I just forgot the proper eng. word...
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    @gronostaj "Język popierdoliło" can mean "język got confused", no? As in "chyba cię popierdoliło".
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    @cprn Yup. Grammatically speaking, the subject is either język or implicit thing that confused the język. Natives would assume the latter from the context.
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    @mishaor it the point!
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    @pszejna I actually code in JavaScript lol
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