Quick and probably duplicate.

One fucking more time someone comes to me and interrupts me, I swear if it's not important, or chitchat, or something easly googlable, or something you could ask literally anyone else or something that isn't even my shit to handle, I will give the unlucky bastard 30 minute lesson to not fucking interrupt me when Im trying to focus first half of fucking day to do one fucking thing.

What the fuck.
What, should I print big fucking A2 formated poster and stick next to my workstation "If you came here to interrupt me, think if you really need to"?

And no, I dont know where the fuck is your excel file.
And no, I dont give a shit when Im coding that there is cake avail for workers today.
And no, for fucks sakes I dont have time for chitchat, I have deadline on me once again and Im doing something I dont have much expirience in so please leave me fucking alone.

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    So yeah, this happened what I said, someone came in again, and I just couldnt hold it and started that I need to focus on some stuff and he brings me yet another bullshit topic and my reserve of beeing calm and cultural was entirely drained, so its last fking time he comes without thinking if he even needs to. Again simple "teach me google" shit. Okay, not literally but you know what I mean. Unfortunately that was interrupted by superior comming and asking me that he needs some urgent networking advice. What the fuck Im not even network guy -_-

    And this shit continued until 10 minutes after end of my shift.

    Jeeez, finally weekend
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    @DubbaThony are you maybe a bit shy to tell them you don^t have time for them? Sounds a bit like you keep nodding to their bs. It's not rude to say I don^t have time, please come tomorrow.
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    They know, they perfectly know.

    And im happy i worked on my impulsivity becouse it got me rly pissed at the end of day. Pretending you not isnt easy task lol.
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    @evilcoder *raises beer*
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    @DubbaThony mm why not if you like it better this way.. I think you are too nice. When I get to choose between me getting annoyed or someone else I usually lay off the cancer on the other person. It's not my fault they don't have shit to do.
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    I give usually kind of stare "get lost. Or die. I dont care"

    But they got used to it.
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    I write PHP..
    My code compiles in less than second...


    And yesterday i was annoyed to point when once I told someone literally GTFO and once something along these lines "what the fuck you want from me again? Cant see im bussy?"

    In polish it was "i czegóż kurwa ode mnie zaś chcesz, zajęty jestem, nie widać?" for polish folks out there.

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