Fuck you git and your server side post receive hook using client scope.... wtf

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    Plz explain more. Git noobs here.
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    So We have this web app / server running on a mean stack on a remote computer managed by our IT group.. I have an admin account my interns do not obviously...

    Soo I have a git repo on the same server.. and I added a post-receive hook on the server side so that when they push the changes... the git repo is checked out into a temp repo, and then npm is installed and then the dev server is removed and temp repo contents replaces the dev server...
    Earlier all the scripts for the hook was running locally rather than on the server ... I fixed that.. but now a new issue

    I can’t stop the node process from a non admin account using taskkill... thus the node server cannot be restarted for interns IF they need to.
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    Your ci/cd is bad and you should feel bad
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    @jimshorts right because my CI/CD really freaking matters for this stupid side project of which the interns are working on
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    @QuanticoCEO please reconcile that statement with the existence of this thread
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    The key fragment is, “managed by our IT group.” I’m sure if they were any good, they wouldn’t be IT people.

    / r/UnpopularOpinion
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