
Saturday... Weekend... Let me get back my sleep from weekdays...

Zzz..zzzz...**phone call**

Yeah, phone woke me, didnt even read who called. Oh, great. My bosss needs quick help and will come nearby my home in an hour.

Yaaaaay... Fuck.

  • 5
    Always put your phone on Airplane mode when you sleep, so that the only thing that wakes you up is if you put an alarm...

    World can wait during weekends
  • 3
    Change your name and your homeplace. Only effective way to get rid of this situation!
  • 1
    Well, yeah I could. And pull out cable from router so no discord via pc calls too... Thing is often other ppl wake me in more deasireable times and they are actually my friends and usually their q is if I wanna do sth with em.

    I could just move out from poland. But even as much as I would love to, im bound to some people here. So yeah, I wont. Your solution would impair these too. So if I wanted to use your idea I eould just migrate somewhere else than PL
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    @DubbaThony Well, I understand.
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    @daniellampl thats what you get when your occupation is aljost literally one man army ;)
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    @DubbaThony you are happy with your job/boss in general?
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    Yes and no.

    Its complicated. He pisses me off but at the same time i get paid very competetively and he is rly cool guy
  • 1
    @DubbaThony this is a very bad situation. But I'm sure you will find the right way
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    What would have likely happened if you said NO and hung up? Does he do this often? i.e. cold call an employee expecting the answer will be "How high?"when he says 'jump'? That safety net needs to be pulled out from underneath him so he can crack his arse a few times.
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    Well, morning call its first one for a rly long time. Tasks outside of working time (paid additionally) are at very least once per month. I like them becouse its good excuse to stay antisocial, and bonus points usually its quick cash that I allways find usefull. Last time I earned in 3 days this way pretty much monthly salary (altho worked my ass out hard way).

    Why I hate him... Becoue he does silly shit often. Like he accidently overwritten his priv key. Tough shit. And he forgets 90% of stuff but not my number.

    But we joke and talk like with buddy. My car is broken and repairs are taking too much time, i have work car. Only worker privilaged to have one apparently.

    I was just pissed at morning thats why ranted. But yeah, now when i cold calculate, took me 20 minutes and was worth it. His local chain node in his macbook shitted itself and he urgently needed to do some stuff. He forgotten he can MEW. Also fixed his local node (GoETH aka geth I hate you!).
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    And IDK what would happened if I hung up. If he calls me when im drunk or sth i just dont pick the call, no excuses needed.
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