Question about burnout here!

I've been a developer for a year and a half now and I've reached a point of burnout. Experiencing a lot of external stress as well as internal (handled well with a fantastic and supportive team)

I'm taking some time away from work and having a much needed break but I'm worried that for now, I can't code! I've got no drive at all to learn anything new, I'm just sat here waiting for a production push.

I'm by no means thinking of changing careers or leaving my current role and the lack of concentration is likely as a result of stress, I just wanted to hear some of your stories so I feel a little less alienated!

Being new to this is pretty overwhelming at times!

  • 5
    All so common. Don't worry too much.

    Take your break, see how it goes.

    If that's not enough, think about the root cause... it's commonly:
    - phys/mental fatigue: do things on the side, work less.
    - bored: same as previous but you can also start a side project.
    - know-all syndrome: learn a completely different language. Like a lisp, rust, haskell, ...
    - no interesting stuff on the job: either find compelling stuff to do or switch jobs.

    Again, don't worry too much, we all experience lack of mojo at some point. Just be careful it don't last too long and/or impact your job.
  • 4
    Burnout happens to the best of us. Hang in there! I try to cope by trying to learn something completely different from what I do on a daily basis - it could be a new language (not just programming languages, a new language in general, like Spanish), a new hands-on craft like painting/drawing/sewing, etc.

    This sort of acts to jump-start creativity, which helps me get back into coding.

    Also, taking care of yourself physically is super important for getting over (and preventing) burnout.
  • 3
    Also having a burnout, might as well 📌 for later.
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