
Fucking fuck sonarcloud and everything about it. Part of the build pipeline for us to deploy code is to ensure that 90% of the code is covered by a unit test. Great in theory, horrible in practice. You think you've written enough tests that actually add value and test a valid piece of functionality but NO, sonarcloud throws a fucking fit because you're at 89.888 then your branch is going nowhere. Because everyone else gets to this stage and writes just enough tests to get the coverage to 90.01% then it becomes a stand off of who will break first; the code coverage threshold or your mental state.

  • 5
    While code coverage is good to have, its more important to identify which parts you get most benefit from unit tests on and prioritize there.

    And instead of a hard block, give a warning to project owner and have them add a todo for increasing unit tests so you don’t end up blocking other things that might be dependent on it.
  • 1
    @Voxera warning == ignore forever. I think best option here is lowering coverage a little bit.
  • 2
    90% is just insane. The code will be full of useless trivial tests.
  • 1
    @Lensflare say it louder for the tech leads in the back
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