Why the fuck someone uses ‘2’ instead of “to” in the C code, for naming. What are you, a child?. I have even seen “cache12store” meaning cache 1 to store...

  • 3
    But it’s 1 character less! It’s soooo much faster to write this way!
  • 5
    i often use this notation in mapper funtions

    i can spot the 2 faster then the To


  • 0
    @tkdmatze I learned a new thing. But why mapper functions need some unique naming?
  • 0
    @aviophile we use MapStruct to generate them, nearly 160 mappings so far in current project.

    So either we haven 160 classes with 1 method map or 1 mapper class per domain with 4 to 24 methods that should have a precise name
  • 0
    For the same reason some people write "then" instead of "than".
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