Why cant all terms and conditions be this short

  • 10
    Yes to use this FaceBook thing,

    I'll agree to everything.

    Sure, you'll have my firsborn son,

    now just let me carry on.

    [ Agree ]
  • 4
    Because that would work for everyone with a common sense (unfortunately not that common nowadays), but not for people willing to sue for money.

    " I used not-a-flamethrower to dry my cat after its bath. Nothing said that I shouldn't but that killed him, give me money now."

    If you want to see more on the matter, check the warning labels for a product sold in the EU and the same in other part of the world.
  • 3
    @devnulli I mostly said that because I remembered seeing some posts about it, but there are probably other countries / regions doing that.

    e.g. https://reddit.com/r/europe/...
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