
Some time ago I had ordered a LCD display I wanted to use in a project. Ended up with a vague datasheet and no clue of how to use a 8bit parallel interface. There was also little help on the internet cuz most ppl use a serial interface.
So after HOURS of reading I finally managed to get it to display something!
I sometimes wish some stuff was better documented.

  • 6
    Nice! Interesting screen shape... Some old phone?
  • 5
    And did you post a gist of how to get it working?
  • 2
    @bkwilliams I was gonna say...

    So then how did you get it working?
  • 3

    Hope you helped the community by donating your contribution to the documentation
  • 1
    LCD display... triggered
  • 1
    @JFK422 post a writeup or your code so where, help others out!
  • 0
    @taigrr Sofar I have no documentation written, but I inted to do so some time in the near future when I have the time for it.
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded Completely new display. Oddly it came with a glass pane on it unlike most others.
  • 3
    Embedded industry is especially guilty of this. We have everything, from badly documented chips, to well documented chips with documentation only in Chinese.

    I swear I feel like picking up the damn machinegun and going Rambo when I see multiple global variables being used and modified by threads or interrupts all running at the same time. To cherry the cake, nobody bothers writing a small note about what even is supposed to be happening
  • 1
    Take that to school and speak in Arabic
  • 0
    @Teknas And get a meetup with Obama?!
  • 1
    @JFK422 now you're getting it
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