
Never wrote a website before

Wanted to write a website for myself just for PhD application.

Learned Vue on Saturday and wrote the website in three days.

Conclusion: fuck css

I can post the website if anyone is interested to take a look though

  • 9
    Fuck you dude. Not CSSs fault you didn't really learn it.
  • 4
    Fuck you. I don't want to run a few thousand lines of js just to view a webpage. Css rules!
  • 7
    Using Vue to bypass CSS is like buying a 40 t truck because your bicycle has a flat tire.
  • 5
    Trust me, it used to be much much worse. Writting CSS these days is a treat
  • 5
    @Hazarth This.
    @Fast-Nop This.
    @b3b3 This.

    Grats on building something from scratch with completely foreign tools in three days, though!
  • 1
    Just curious. What UI library did you use then?

    I can agree that custom element's are like Bootstrap of today. I'd say using them is not bad if you don't want to design the user interface components yourself but instead rely on these libraries. If you want to create an unique website, they won't do you any good though.
  • 2
    Weird flex but okay
  • 3
    I've struggled with CSS selector priority a lot of times and seen many people do too, but now that I've done web development professionally for three years, I'm in a position that I quite about know what's happening. I should read the specs to know every quirk for certain though.

    !important and z-index hell is real and there's no way out if you don't understand what's happening.
  • 3
    So CSS sucks, because you don’t master it after three days. I guess you also hate French, Spanish, German, Japanese etc?
  • 1
    @JohnDoesNot I do hate Japanese after two years of learning.

    Just because I don't master something doesn't mean I can't hate it. I hate cooking, but when I do cook for my girlfriend she thinks it's good. Or do I have to be a Master chef to make the statement that I hate cooking?

    I also hate drinking, do I have to be an alcoholic to day that?

    It's just not a beautiful thing, and to me that's enough to hate it.

    I'm pretty sure there are people who says JavaScript is shit without mastering JavaScript, go ahead and take your piss on them, not here.
  • 2
    @K-ASS There's good reason why you shouldn't abuse JS for things CSS can already do, and that's performance.

    Since JS is (mostly) singlethreaded whiledoing stuff with CSS allows the browser to do stuff in parallel, so that speeds up. Especially CSS animations, but only if done the right way, can even profit from using the GPU.

    JS frameworks have an entirely different purpose, which is managing doing the UI logic with regard to states and data.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop oh, I'm not saying I'm replacing what can be done in css with is, I'm just saying css has unpredictable behavior sometime and it really annoyed me. The result of the website actually looks great, but I'm too afraid to post it now since I got so much hate
  • 1
    @K-ASS Well, most of the hate is due to misunderstandment so seeing the website actually made me understand somewhat what you meant. But I wouldn't share my website here anyway 😉
  • 0
    @joas I did encounter the z-index problem. I had 4 div part all clickable and exhibits strange overlap behavior on the first click but are fine afterwards. It was indeed a z index problem and I had no idea how to fix it, not that I don't know what exactly is happening but it seems to be non fixable because the order they were created, and eventually the 4 divs are the same app so I really don't want to set individual z index upon mount. So to fix this shit, I just called the click method upon mount so users will never see the actual first click.

    Yup, fuck css
  • 0
    @joas also link in bio now
  • 1
    Fair play for not spending a ton of time dicking around with something that you didn't like using (css) and being able to find the right tools for yourself to build what you needed in 3 days.
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