
Me and the dba are slowly migrating parts of our JVM stack into .NET AND even tho I love and will always love Java and its ecosystem....I am glad.

IIS as a server is something that I actually look forward to since deploying shit to it is always a breeze

Installing ssl certs is a breeze

Everything is a fucking breeze

Before any of you cocksuckers say anything: this is my opinion only

  • 4
    Why bother with .Net (4.x I suppose)? Core will become the defacto standard with .Net 5
  • 1
    @Kimmax actually core. I just use .NET as an umbrella term for alk things .net
  • 1
    @AleCx04 ah perfect. I mean you're technically right, sooooo.. :)
  • 1
    @Kimmax :D and dude I really am rooting for .net core having even more adoption. The framework is really good imo. Do you use it at work? Any advice or input you wanna make on it?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 built an api that runs on yachts worldwide now, so call me sold haha
    Nothing particular, EntityFramework Core is getting better every cycle and honestly a blessing to work with, compared to other ORMs. I love that you can easily build CI/CD pipelines now that you can compile on linux, without dealing with mono and shit. Also self-contained builds are a bliss
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