
I wonder if companies are so up for pushing Gender Equality in every industry to hide the fact that most families can't have just one parent bringing in the income anymore.

Makes you think...

  • 4
    I say this for years.
    Having both men and women at work means double the workforce. If you have twice the workforce for the same work, the price (meaning the wage) halfs (slowly hidden by inflation).
    Cheap labour for companies...

    Equality would have been if not both parents in a family had to work to feed everyone but only one of them, with the only difference to the past that it doesn't matter if it's the husband or the wife.
  • 0
    @Benedikt I think that woman used to do a lot of work in the house that took effort and time, because there were no convenient alternatives. Now you have washing machine, dishwasher, microwave food, cleaning robots and other stuff that costs money to buy and maintain, but doesn't take much time to operate. There are also other things that you didn't get to have in the past and those too cost money.

    I think you could live in a house equipped more or less like in the past, having woman do the chores and take care of kids while male is bring enough money to get food, some simple clothes, taxes, water, a bit of electricity and so on.

    I also believe that this change in female roles in household does not make them less equal. Most will want to work for money instead of doing chores "old way" and not using easy solutions while watching TV all day because there is nothing else to do at home with all this free time. Woman will get paid same money for the same performance.
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