Rant/ Question.

I've lost count how many times windows has decided to wake itself up from sleep mode to update. Sometimes it doesn't even update, I will be laying in bed and it will turn on, I will then have to sit up for half an hour waiting for it to finish (otherwise my pc will just be on all night) then when it is finally done, I will get up and go to turn it off and it says "Turn off and update" and need to update again.

To make it worse, it restarts itself while updating, so all the stuff I wanted to keep open by putting it in sleep mode will be gone.

Is there any way to prevent windows from doing this update during sleep mode? If not I am going to need to completely turn off my PCs power when it is in sleep mode, which it just a pain for me.

  • 0
    It gets worse: turning the computer off doesn't completely turn it off, it can still wake itself up to install updates. You can turn that behaviour off; google 'windows 10 power down after shutdown' for a bunch of results.
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