What do you think?

  • 3
    Cute, but every dev and debug effort is different. So again, cute, but not meaningful.
  • 1
    I like it
  • 4
    @monkeyboy it's a joke dude
  • 1
    I like debugging. Most of the time.
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
    @smirving oops, then I was fooled. I thought it was a way of trying to say that working really hard to something like making the code as compact/elegant/whatever as possible using all possible language features/patterns/tricks then you end up with something nobody can debug because the code's purpose is indecipherable. Sounds like I was taking it to seriously
  • 0
    "If you fuck with it, and it still doesn't work, you didn't fuck with it enough."

    also just read the fucking errors lol

    (also when you use print statements to ensure your code actually works, for the love of god, print the next line of code, copy-paste works fine. Less humiliating than an "aaaaaaaaa" or "code got here".)
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