
Firefox developer fucked up this morning my development after the update -_-

The fucking "Enhancing Tracking Protection" was on a local Wi-Fi IP address(192.168...) which automatically redirected to the https of that IP, but I did setup kestrel to listen on HTTP, which resulted in a nice "Cannot enstablich a secure connection(and suck it up because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)"

Fortunately it's easy to get rid off this cunt, just go on the shield nearby the address and disable that motherfucker.

ps: sorry for the lil rage, my morning train trip development brain cells should not be bothered by this automatic technical troubles

Further question to the Firefox developers:
WHAT THE FUCK are you thinking when you force developers to automatic HTTPS redirection when you should know more than anyone that development is 360deg(and not 90 like your mom)

  • 2
    (post-mortem for Firefox developers, I do really like you and your work, don't take this rant too seriously, love you 😗)
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