Do you have this culture at the office where your employer (management) try to shame you if you leave at the normal hour? How do you deal with it?

If you work in France I would like to know what's your work schedule, because I'm in a startup and everyone stay there until 18pm.

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    If I'm feeling like it I'll do overtime, otherwise no, I do have other activities to attend
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    Yes I do and I simply stopped caring. They pushed it too far and I could no longer care. People with me have a credit line. Exhaust it and I stop caring. It's not something I do on purpose, it just happens.

    P.s.: I'm not in France but in Italy and when people leave between 6 pm and 7 pm colleagues joke that they are taking half a day of vacation.
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    It's a sign of insecure, ineffective managers that they resort to ad hominem instead impressing upon their employees the importance of a denser number of man-hours, and inspiring the employees to want to stay to meet a goal. But arbitrary enforcement of extended hours, without a specific, explicit, commonly known purpose for doing so is just bullish micromanagement, discouraging a culture of openness and collaboration.

    It's self-destructive. It makes employees ask strangers online what comparable salaries are.
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    I usually do my hours and then go home unless I'm in the middle of a task that I want to finish off. Since I'm in early as to have some time to work without being disturbed, going home at 3:30PM is normal.

    Nobody gives a fuck as long as shit gets done reasonably.
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    @bahua woah dude,
    Did u just swallow a thesaurus or what!
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    Ha no. Just using English.
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    @inhamul Just one thesaurus? All of them dinos man, with lotsa fucked-up barbecue, that's how these crazy Texans do that in Denver, and then some, after exporting B/W TVs to Colorado of course. I bet even his code compiles without warnings, holy shit!
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    @Pickman I know this joke because they do it at the office and I fucking hate it.
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    @jotamontecino Its 7.6h (8h?) or 7h? Because of the 35h per week (7h * 5 days)?
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