Grandma... I'm sorry to tell you this - but your grandson is a super-creep. Don't encourage him.

  • 1
    How is this even a rant!!?
  • 3
    He's not creepy it would be so fucking funny to all of the sudden have a robot voice over game chat.
  • 0
    Or he wantes to act as if he was a girl.
  • 1
    @kescherRant it says "to his friends" which I can only assume is correct. I think it would be very fun to do with your friends. I've even seen other people do it.
  • 0
    @gitlog It's subtle. First of all - she can't really give a 1 star review - to say "I bought the wrong thing so it's a bad product" - and then there are a few more layers to explore: they are 11... and I've been in enough xbox 'free-range' type games to know that there are a lot of creeps saying the nastiest stuff they can come up with (first minute of trying fortnight was like walking down the hall on my way into jail) - so... while this kid might just want a 'funny voice' - the idea that a grandma might be buying a voice changer so he can say 'faggot' a lot - and that's she's mad that he can't yet (because the product doesn't work) - all ends up being the gray areas that make this seems strange/queer - (TO ME). She is trying to help her grandson - and she might not have any idea how incredibly fucked our youth are right now. #rant.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm I didn't find this ad by accident... (I was going to buy one... ) - So, I totally see the fun of it. I just also know that rapists like to use voice changers. So - it can still have an edge to imagine. I'm sure he's just a nice boy.
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