
Guys with long hair, how do you control your hair fall?

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    Good eating habits, sleep, low stress, exercise, oils (coconut, argan, etc.), and rarely, conditioners. I never used any fancy or elaborate technique and it worked out okay for me.
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    Put it in a ball and pretend like it's good...
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    Shaved it.
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    Oh, wait. Hair fall like hair falling off? Not like how it falls? xD
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    Personally, I use Shea Moisture conditioners (don't ever use shampoo) to help tame it and since I keep it in a bun most hair falls out during the shower when I take it down.

    I'm told biotin in multivitamins is the way to go.
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    Castor oil, castor oil and castor oil!! Also no hair dryer, washing hair only once every three or four days and keeping your hair down as much as possible. I used to have hair down to my hips almost and doing this had them super healthy. I'm a woman though so this could be down to biology too. But really try castor oil out - and do wash your hands after using castor it unless you fancy a day off work :)
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    @aerfromenes @manbunmike

    shea moisture and castol oil it is then.
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