
I finally got remote work! Bye traffic!

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    using which technologies?
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    @orhun thanks!
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    @Nanos Sadly true:(
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    @franchise099 what? Todo the remote? We're using zoom and... whatsapp... yep
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    which programming languages gave you the option to work remote?
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    @franchise099 I'm a fullstack dev, previously I used js to developed a web app, but now my job desk is to customize ERPNext which require python and js.
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    @volttide currently i do mobile. i feel like there’s a lot more opportunity to work remote in web technologies.
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    @franchise099 Finding remote job is a luck based experience for me, and I hope you get a chance to work remotely one day
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    @franchise099 internet is a beautiful technology ^^
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    @franchise099 Depends what kind of mobile. My team is mostly remote and we had a guy who did mostly mobile work, but it was React Native, and he did have to help with regular React work now and then.
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    @volttide It's not luck-based. Go check out the remote work job boards and see what skills people are hiring for. Train up in those skills and then apply for those jobs. There are some pretty clear trends in which kinds of jobs go remote and which don't; you can make a lot of money doing COBOL or C but your odds of getting a remote position are a lot lower than if you do modern web development.
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    @HollowKitty it's kinda hard to find remote jobs in some countries especially the develop one
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    @volttide Something being hard doesn't mean it's luck-based. There is a small component of luck to everything but there's also things like: having the right skills, knowing the right people, and being in the right places. All 3 of those can be affected by effort so they're not just random luck.
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