Where are we? Is this a freaking stone age?

  • 9
    Well, this is absolutely legitimate.
    Some providers have gray listing which purposely delays emails from unknown senders. Additionally a server might be offline, and the email waits in a queue.

    Also: Better safe than sorry.
  • 6
    Yeah that's exactly how they used to do it during stone age. Uga aga hugachaga 12-24 hgas akakaka!!
  • 2
    @sbiewald This! And it also entirely depends on the sender/receivers email server configuration.
  • 1
    @sbiewald This is not the first time I was waiting for their email for a long time. Also strangely I have never experienced such delays with any other company. This is definetely their problem. If others can do it almost in real time...
  • 1
    the idea of dhl delivering the text of the reset email on paper is hilarious
  • 1
    On my mail servers, incoming mail usually has to be submitted twice if mine don't know their domain yet. It's a greylisting feature and designed to get the scripts from spammers to break on it, as they may not be capable of doing a second submission. In practice it means that legitimate email servers get a rejection the first time and try for a second time 20-30 minutes later, at which time it gets delivered to the user (yours truly). It may be 24 hours for a particularly shitty one. As mentioned before, better be safe than sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    Just to let everyone know: I am still waiting
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