So two mini rants rolled up into one

1) programmers who can code in 8292 languages but don’t know shit about the business side and think they know better than the business folks when it comes to big picture decisions, please go fuck yourself.

2) People who respond to “Gotta set up a few machines for non tech folks” with “Oh you should try Linux, it’s so user friendly”. You need to go fuck yourself. You have no idea what you’re talking about and probably lack empathy too you rotten squid smelling cumsock.

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    for the amount of languages you could've written 8192 languages.🙃
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    I love how accurate and crystal clear your words are.
    But this is always the clash of two different universes.

    U mentiined the managers vs the it guys
    I know a lot about the designer and the it guys, like u mix three hugers hippies with transistor eating creatures... The outcome is always a mess.

    But that should be the mission to the ceo who must be the cetral point where all worlds converge together in peace
    Or not
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    @cb219 Was waiting for someone to say this and here we go!! Smh!!
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    @ShahriyarRulez There are a ton of things that happen except coding in a company. Learn all that. How sales leads are generated, how sales is done, customer acquisition shenanigans, knowing what the client wants vs what he thinks he wants, Daily usage and stickiness metrics, conversion rates and so on. Not everything is applicable for every single company but most of them are. The more you know the better.
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    @devapsarl CEOs always can’t micromanage harmony in the workplace between multiple teams. It’s upto is individuals to not be cunty and have some empathy over what other people say!
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    I’m not either of those annoying people, but damn even I felt insulted 🔥
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    ++ for rotten squid smelling cumsock
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    @dmoa it takes an enormous amount of arrogance and self obliviousness to be one of those folks. Am sure you aren’t one. Sorry if I offended you lol.
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    Dont expect the programmer to lead the company but also dont trust managers to tell how you should code.

    Most of the problems comes from lack of trust. "Just code faster, add 1000 features, EASY" or "How do they manage that company? That client is retarted and managers dont know how to manage at all, just ommit everything and give me contact to the client!"

    If you ignore the other side you are a douche.
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    @ShahriyarRulez this is kinda shitty advice, but the easiest way to learn would be to try and make one of your side projects into a profitable business. You'll figure out what you need to learn really quickly. Whether it not you can _actually learn_ it is another story.

    I say it's shitty advice cause a vast majority of people don't wanna do it/don't have time/etc. But it's definitely the quickest way to learn imo.
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    @kingcodra Would you be kind enough to elaborate?
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    @grumpyoldaf went exactly do you want me to elaborate on?
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