  • 3
    It maybe great on paper to some, but it seems at my company it's a one way ticket to spaghetti code and 2000 line formviews
  • 1
    Hello 1998
  • 0
    Holy fuck what sort of a legacy gig did you find yourself in? There s nothing wrong with taking projects like this but charge them as much as you can lol
  • 0
    I thought web forms were a great idea on paper, but not very well executed, not very well supported and ... well, I pretty much was under the impression the technology was discontinued like 15 years ago. Thus, it was never developed into something better. Thus, of course it's sh*t, right?
  • 0
    Haha. Good comments. Had a rough day yesterday reading and updating code for a custom function.

    I had to move for 2 years to a city with very little as far as software jobs. My company is about it. But I think my 2 week notice is going in Monday and I'm going to look for fully remote positions.

    Cant take the soul sucking job anymore.
  • 0
    @shoogknight wish you all the best my man. Keep us posted all through the process please.
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