I would love to see the environment that the Mac OS X team works in.

Do they work in all cubicles? Is it more of an open space? Do they use the latest Macs? If so, do they use all Apple hardware? Or do they swap out keyboards/mice with ones that they prefer? Which secondary displays they use etc.

I just wonder if the professional Mac OS X developers actually use their Macs the same way that Apple wants their customers to use them.

  • 3
    Can't believe any macOS developer would voluntarily use these clumsy iMac keyboards.

    Maybe they are all on BSD's or Linux, would love that(-;
  • 2
    @phorkyas Exactly! Their keyboards / mice are very cumbersome to work with!! Which really makes me wonder what is actually there.

    I thought that they might use Linux, but I sort of backed up on that thought because of the hardware requirements that are needed to make OS X work
  • 0
    Idk, but I can definitely comment on open space.

    No, just fuqing no. Over 2 years in open space, finally i managed to make myself place in separated room with some tech things, messy but oh boy finally it is possbile to focus for more than 0.1s
  • 2
    I'm sure the, "team" is much too large to fit in an entire office building, let alone an office. I'm sure there are all varieties of management style and development philosophy, separated by programming languages, databases, and geography.

    Edit: also, Apple dropped the name "OSX" several years ago. It's just MacOS now.
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