
love hate kinda deal with this. But I am creating a program in answer set programming that would help me analyze famous chess matches from legends such as B Fischer, Carlsen, etc in an effort to stop at one point and predict what could have happened differently in the match in order to make the other player win. I am adding limiters as to not propagate into every fucking solution in existence else the processing power required to solve this shit would be all too hardcore. I learned about this programming paradigm in one of my graduate level classes using a tech known as Clingo, which is similar to Prolog. I am doing it cuz I sucked at Clingo and because of my pride I aim to make this project a reality to properly say that I know how to use it.

current status: failing somewhat miserably

  • 1
    Needs more recursion.
  • 2
    Uhm? Just run their matches through Stockfish with one, two minutes per move and check for positions where Stockfish's best move has a dramatically different eval from the chosen move.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop oooh I am aware of Stockfish, wouldn't bee too much fun to just use something already made tho!!
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Making a chess engine that is at least 300 Elo stronger than Carlsen (so that it's even able to find mistakes in analysis) is quite a challenge.
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