

For a bunch of application redesigns that we are doing at work I am letting the other two developers in my department help with selecting the stack. Normally, we work with Java and PHP, and while they seem to enjoy php I find them concerned at the possibility of making it more Java centric.

So I compiled a list of examples of different tech stacks that are not only more modern (cuz our Java stuff is old JSP stuff) but also simple to learn and use. Mind you, the point is to make this a gradual change, not just rewrite the entire house from scratch.

the list contained examples in:
Python: django and flask

Ruby: Ruby on Rails

Java: Spring Boot

Golang: Small self made mvc framework I built, nothing fancy on it, it uses templates and shit, didn't make it api centric

Node: Express examples in both vanilla JS and TypeScript

php with Laravel.

Since we work with php most of the time as well I imagined that they would be more inclined for Laravel, but I was wrong :P they seemed to like the Node Express route and the Golang route more than anything else with Python and Django being close.

Personally I know that there is more to selecting a stack, but initial perceptions make for a lot of things in selection of the stack.

Pretty excited, if they gauge everything considered in regards to what we have and we found Golang to be a clear winner it would give them the chance to add a nice and competitive tech to their resumes.

not a rant, or anything per se, just wanted to share some stuff with y'all

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    I'm not the hugest fan of rails or ruby.

    But Rails does one thing well (either by itself or though 3rd party modules).
    It provides most of the things a website needs.

    These past weeks I tried different web frameworks from golang and node (js is my thing) and they don't even close to the level of "featureness" rails has.

    I think for me the standard of "is this framework incomplete?" is whether it can provide the reset password cycle out of the box (both server code and templates). The devise gem provides this.

    If not then you're gonna find yourself coding that. And writing auth related code is kind of unsafe, like writing your own crypto.

    rails has the downside of not having ass destroying performance, but for a moderate amount of clients, you'll be alright.
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    @jesustricks I am not the biggest fan of Rails precisely because of all the conventions that make certain things required in the Rails way although I am not one that would not mind working with them. I wouldn't call other frameworks or tools lacking in tools as compared to Rails, you can do the exaft same thing in other frameworks with the added benefit of deciding how you want to do it, this can be absolutely fantastic or positively horrible depending on how you see it.
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