I run the code cleaner tool, OH CHRIST it's trying to sanitise the automatically generated code, I don't want this.

I try to exclude... takes ages to work out that while specifying the dirs is absolute you can only exclude relative but from what? I want to block a/b but not a/c/b but no it's all you can only block all b b it a/b, b/b, c/b, c/b, a/c/b, etc.

I google for other solutions, nothing but trash, docs a trash, here's some examples but we don't tell you the actual behaviour. All I want is to get everything in /home/hilldog/emails but not /home/hilldog/emails/topsekret how hard can it be?

I use the source but what's this, BeefJerkyIteratorIteratorBananaSpliterator all over the shop how much convolution and LOC does it take to provide a basic find facility?

Screw this...

$finder->in(explode("\n",trim(exec('find '.escape_args(...$good).' -type d ' . implode('
-o ', prefix('\! -wholename', escape_args(..$bad))) . ' -etc | grep -vETC \'pretty_patterns\''))))

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    I have no idea what you're on about but I think that's what I love most about this post
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    @BitWise I'm doing a project, the other devs are all decent, what could go wrong? We also use some convenience tools as standard such as code linters and some light reformatters. We also have some automated code generation tools. We don't want automated code tools to touch code that's already automated because it's generated.

    A code sanitising tool come with standard config files and libs, such as using a finder object as standard from a framework using something akin to specification pattern to let you build up a scanner to find all the files to process.

    I want to exclude one specific directory, not any directory with the same name. This one simple things turns out to involve undue complexity with information on how to use the component not being forth coming.

    After half an hour ish trying to work out something that should be dead simple and easy I flip and just do what'll work and what actually has a proper man page.
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    @BitWise he wants to exclude a folder but not all by the same name and not folders in the folder from a code sanitizer.
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