
You know what I don't like?
Getting dropped into an ongoing project, especially as a replacement for somebody else - looking through the code and realising the code is perfectly fine - except I would do it differently.
Yes, I see why those choices were made. It's up to specs and according to the convention - but it still _feels_ wrong.

  • 5
    I'm envious.

    Whenever I get dropped into an ongoing project, which luckily doesn't happen all that often, it's because "shit's on fire, come help extinguish". And looking through the code, it's a dumpster fire. Every time. With no tests, no docs, nothing.
  • 2
    @VaderNT same. I've spent the past week trying to fix a dumpster fire of a project and I'm probably going to spend most of next week doing the same thing.
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