Day 1. Push branch. Make pull request😀
Day 5. Got reply to fix some silly stuff🤡
Day 6. Apply changes. Ask for review again.😊
Day 7. Needed to work for another project for two weeks🤝
Day 25. Came back and pull request and branch were deleted from server 🧐🧐
Day 26. I merge my local branch copy into master and push it to server. So long bitches! 💅💅

  • 0
    @drac94 True.
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    @drac94 "Wait, they don't block direct pushes to master?"

    Why would they? That's so childish. If you distrust your devs so much that you don't even let them use THEIR tools as they see fit, you might as well forget about this "software" fad altogether.
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    @jennytengsonM @drac94 oh I have blocked them. But I am the one that has admin rights because I setup our infrastructure

    If we were in prison, they would be my bitches 😈
  • 4
    @VaderNT what. So you never have that tired moment where you just hit commit and push?
    Humans are bound to do mistakes. So you mimize the possible mistakes.
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    @VaderNT I don't think it's about trust, you can trust your devs while still having a strong protocol in place.
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    @nitwhiz @ksdme yes, sometimes accidental commits on the wrong branch happen. Do a rollback commit, problem solved.
    So you protect master. And suddenly each small "Fixed some typos" commit needs a feature branch. And while master is now safe from direct pushes, you'll still be able to fuck up other branches.
    So not worth it, I prefer to keep it simple. Basically, I don't see the need to essentially punish everyone for a mistake that happens once in a blue moon. Especially when it's that easy to fix.
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