
Been up all night with the screaming shits and chest pains (acid reflux), my dad's told me either i pay off his car in full (i'm unemployed and need $100k or so) by the end of the month or i'm homeless, and my computer's beginning to have issues as my GPU's warping under its own weight (and I can't afford another R9 380.)

  • 2
    Out of curiosity - why aren't you working?
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    @arraysstartat1 i'm 19 and starting full-time college in January. I'd like to not end up shooting myself within a week due to stress?
  • 5
    u mean 100000? what do u need such a huge amount of money for? the car??
  • 2
    your posts are cool if that's any comfort
  • 5
    Get some local help buddy, we can't shoot you 100k. Try to move out somehow, seems like living with your dad isn't under good terms anyway
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  • 4
    Your dad's an asshole. Try to find a solution, find a space where you can move in, temporarily or permanently.
  • 1
    @mojo2012 To pay his car off, yeah.
    @jesustricks thanks, man
    @Kimmax I didn't expect you guys to help xD
    @kescherRant I'm well aware of both, but i'm in buttfuck nowhere so i can't exactly move without lots of transportation, and I can't drive (as he forbids anyone but him from teaching me, and he's always too tired.)
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    @jennytengsonM not even being sold, he just knows he won't make his loan payment so either i pay off the whole loan (and still not get the car, he's keeping his nice 2012 car while everyone else gets the '04 model with the shit seats) in one go by end of month or i'm homeless and he's carless.

    (Please note I paid off one of his cars beforehand at age 16 as we were in a tight spot and I had a chunk of change set aside from my mom's child support payments, or atl what I got to keep from it, so he prolly wants me to pull money outta my ass again. I spent my entire life savings, savings meant for my own car, to have him pay his off so we didn't lose a car and the ttrailer we live in. To be fair, however, I did proceed to total it within a week due to trying to learn to drive and rain things happened, but y'know...)
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    @jennytengsonM where the fuck would i go tho
    i'm unemployed and have no friends within the state much less within moving distance on a USD$1.24 budget
  • 2
    @Parzi You could sell that R9 380 along with the rest of PC and increase that budget. It sucks, but once you move out and start to work then you should be able to afford a new one in some time (depends how cheap you are willing to live).

    Besides, if you somehow get $100k in a month then you can as well use that money to start a new life instead of burning it on your less than ideal father.
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    @arraysstartat1 My parts are actually worth about $50 total, mainly due to wear, age, and damage. Even my R9 380 isn't going for much, the fans are almost burnt totally out and it's warped as hell due to its own weight. As for the rest of my build, no one's looking for DDR3 or an OEM, specialty-socket AMD APU of this class anymore (FM1 socket, 2.8GHz quad-core with a Radeon HD 6000-some equivalent? Slowed due to age to approx. 1GHz quad-core equivalent, as well...)
  • 2
    @Parzi Sticks are cheap.
    You can also lay the case on its side.

    As for money: $100k for a car is ridiculous, especially if a) you've already put money towards it, and b) you're living in a trailer. That money is better spent on improving your living conditions. What car is it, anyway? Ferrari? Tesla Roadster? McLaren? Bugati? Because basically anything else isn't worth that much.

    Sounds like you're getting screwed over, though, no matter the reasoning or circumstance. I'd consider leaving, too.
  • 0
    @Root My desk has a vertical spot for my tower, and I have nowhere I can put it on its side.

    It's a 2012 Ford. With all the trimmings, and near-constant repairs added to the loan every time. Recently we had to have 3 separate computer replacements as they kept replacing it instead of checking a single fucking cable like we told them was the issue.
  • 1
    @Parzi You can still use a stick to hold up your video card. Totally serious, too. They're non-conductive and can be quite sturdy.
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