
I get that this was a small team when they developed this and there was no coding guidelines...
But, using spaces and tabs in the same file is just unacceptable!!

  • 2
    I never could understand people like you. You do realize there are tools to convert all spaces to tabs and vice versa?
    Also if the other team did use same tools, it's more than possible, they would have never found any problems with that.
  • 3
    using saces for indentation at all is wrong ....
  • 0
    @mojo2012 there are places it makes more sense. Haskell for example.
  • 0
    @HitWRight I don't want my name all over the file in a commit because I corrected the indentation.

    I don't care if they use spaces or tabs, I just want them to use one thing in a file.
  • 3
    @xnor git hooks is your friend then. Trust me that will be much easier than to force people to switch by hand. You could also extend to automatically force formatting, or variable function names casing to fit the code base. Even if people are willing to switch, sometimes they will manage to accidentally paste tab characters into the commit.
  • 1
    @Jilano he's right though. Tabs by design should be used for indentation. It's like suggesting to type backwards instead of using rtl character.
  • 0
    I hate IDEs. I want to code, not handle with suggestions from a system. Let me just code like I want (I use an editor). I also use tabs (tab character) for indentation and spaces for alignment. And it's not about what keys I press, but about what character is typed
  • 0
    @groxx and also (for groups):

    vara = 1;
    varb = 2;
    variable = 3;
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    Thanks for telling me!
    It was indeed broken and now I've fixed it hopyfully.
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    @groxx it's indeed interesting. It also mentions plan9, my current operating system (and I use acme). I thought nobody knows it... Btw I rarely need code alignment
  • 0
    @Jilano I agree. If IDE manages to replace tabs with spaces and still keep the glorious functionality of switching between tab spaces (4 spaces is way to much), then there would be no reason for me to use tab characters. Currently I don't see that happening.
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    @Jilano what IDE r u using??? the big ones like VS, eclipse or intellij use all tabs by default.
  • 0
    @Jilano even vi inserts a tab if i press a tab
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