Sometimes, just sometimes, GitHub has its heroes. Probably saved me over an hour of my life. Thank you kind stranger!!

  • 16
    blurred text is readable:

    add `<some file>` to your tunnel configs in your config file to make sure that ngrok only starts 1 tunnel per address.
  • 2
    @kescherRant I don't really mind, it's not confidential or anything, it's just distracting from the main point.
  • 2
    What's that tip button? Haven't seen that before.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER In case anyone else wonders, it's a Brave thing.
  • 0
    But what Brave thing is it?
  • 0
    @tm4rkus Brave allows users to 'tip' BAT (a cryptocurrency) to other users. You can purchase BAT, receive it from other users, or receive it from allowing some advertising in the browser.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER GitHub is rolling out open source donations for devs that own and maintain widely used open source code.

    Literally paying a tip as a “Thank you for your services”.
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