
A database of a German client for testing was sent to our software company. To make sure that the program works well with real data. Testers are funny people, they immediately found a certain Schwarzkopf in the database and fired, making a comment “for dyed hair”. Further - more. Some Albert Speer was suspended from work on the night shift, pointing out in a comment: "suspected of a relationship with Hitler."

Work progressed, genocide grew. The whole department was dismissed with the comment: “To the gazenvagen” (naturally in German). The apogee was the demotion of the director to the supply manager, the establishment of the Obersturmbanführer position and the adoption of Max von Stirlitz (as you might have guessed) on it. An element of reality in the game of testers was made by a dull dude who wanted to check how the mail server works.

As a result, the above comments were sent to all of the above characters, as well as their managers, through the database to their real e-mail addresses.

  • 8
    And that, dear readers, is how you get "promoted to customer".

    Great story! 🤣
  • 1
    It is very usefull. However, some point is not clearly
  • 0
    aua das tut schmerzen
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