
You know how companies pay people to scan your Twitter for anything "problematic"?

Can I get the same shit run on them before I follow them for tech stuff and they start posting political bullshit?

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    Just assume your company mainlines fronting and libertarianism as their political baselines and you're probably right.
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    And this is why I don't have a twitter. SJW logic should not have bearing on people's careers.
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    What is "Twitter"?
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    @SortOfTested Basically every large company here is super lefty, and the larger they are the more obvious it is. It's disgusting. I can't get away from "hijabs are great," "white people are bad," brownwashing, political shows where everyone is a Democrat/socialist
    (except the bad guys, ofc), etc.

    Ugh. Anyway.
    I've only had the pleasure of working for one libertarian company. Every decision was based on data and strove to make the company better and more profitable, not more inclusive or PC. They hired people because they were skilled, not diverse. It was nice. And yes, it was a great company to work for. Friendly, good benefits and amenities, good culture, transparent on decisions, open to suggestions, not strict or overly structured, etc.
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    That was kind of my intonation (Seattle, here). Most companies I've worked at in the US behave as libertarians in the accounting and business departments, and front progressive values on the HR and communication ends. Our laws basically oblige companies to be sociopaths.
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    @stonestorm and yet it does
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    Spoiler: You can be left and liberal at the same time. The left is more than the regressives.
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    *doesn't use twitter or Facebook or other mainstream social media*....
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    Did it spun in? Were there survivors?
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    @Scade Where do you live?
    Here, all three (left, liberal, regressive) are the same.
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    Ad hominem attacks are generally unwelcome. Please contribute an alternative perspective relative to the subject instead.
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    @tuddatuh I'm not very liberal, if that's what you're saying. I tend to see them as crazy, and do my best to avoid them lest I get called a racist/sexist/bigot/nazi/cracker/etc., insulted, or screamed at. Why? For being a white chick who's not a liberal, of course.
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    @Root Germany. Most of the times, it's not the loudest group which has the most people supporting them.
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    If you're just here to follow root around like some stalker because of a single post you didn't like, you should probably just leave. Go to quora or something.
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    @tuddatuh "Let's keep the politics to yourself" unless I agree with it...
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    @tuddatuh Being racist is disliking someone specifically (and only) because of their race.

    In my rant, I said some people are tiring or irritating because of their attitude, not their race, and that it can be difficult understanding them because of both their culture and lack of effort. Again, not race.

    But sure, I must be racist because I mentioned a race. Yep. Oh, and your unfounded ad hominems are totally classy. But I suspect you're one of those people for whom logic is irrelevant, so I don't know why I'm even bothering to type all of this. You must be a wonderful person to be around. 🙄
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    @SortOfTested The character pictured is Radar. The jet is flying under the ... Radar.
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    Yep, was playing off of that. In episode 72, when Henry Blake was written out of the show, he was leaving Korea, and then his helicopter was downed. This is revealed to the cast by radar, who tearfully recites, "I have a message. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down over Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors."

    In in this case, was the joke 🍻
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    @SortOfTested But that is so sad... Yeah, its been a long time since I watched the show. I am lucky I remembered his name.
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