
And that is how I met your mother

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    As a matter of fact ... c# was created by Anders Hjellsberg who, before joining Microsoft, worked for Borland where he worked on Delphi. He created a love child crossover between java and object Pascal.
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    It fits very well, i am currently on a C#/.NET conference. To be honest, Microsoft make a really good joob the last years.
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    And now JetBrains is doing it again, but worse: they're forcing Java to kiss with its own unwanted child, C#, to create Kotlin.
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    @eeee Kotlin has nothing in common with C#.
    Kotlin is Java with modern syntax+features looking more like typescript or Swift.

    Under the hood, Kotlin has the same limitations as Java. For example the lack of custom value types. Which separates it from C#
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