when people in a framework chatgroup ask you to "you should really read the docs" because you keep asking roughly the same question.

I'd gladly stop asking 20 questions about the subject because I keep getting errors, but when there is literally no reference to the methods I have issues with in the documentation I don't have much choice than asking a question for each new method...

And yes I did ask if someone could point me to the doc's for them, the answer was "Check the source code..."

(double annoying when the rest of the framework is documented rather excellently)

  • 0
    turns out naming your method the same as the name of the column in the table is conflicting...

    So I renamed the method to "tuna()"
  • 1
    Thou mayest care to peruse ye aulde inscrutable materials of canonical dispensation? They be'est of scholarly nature and verasimilitude, albeit bereft of exacting compendial classification. I presumest thou hast not divined their portent as thine query doth evoke a tenor of uninitiated scholasticism. 😀
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