
I really need some advice.

So the company I have been at the last year and a half wants to give me my first compensation evaluation at my two year mark. It makes me feel underappreciated and just unhappy, so I'm starting to look elsewhere.

How should I prepare for interviews? Cracking the Coding Interview, then Leetcode (free), then Leetcode paid (Pro), then ??? I am frontend so I don't deal with BSTs and such ever.

Any advice would be appreciated on how to proceed with my career.

  • 5
    Think about situations you have encountered and how you solved them.

    List things you know and have used in your current position.

    Think about what you like to do.

    Its best if you switch TO something rather than FROM something :)

    And try to read about the company you are interviewing with and about the position, what you can expect.
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