How can you be a Server Administrator for more that 10 years when you don't know what a Terminal/Commandline is and that there's a difference between GET and POST?

  • 2
    > that there's a difference between GET and POST?

    Depending on what kinds of servers you manage, you might not need to know. Still lame.

    > don't know what a Terminal/Commandline is

    That's reason for dismissal, in my opinion.
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    @SomeNone I don't mean a semantic difference (state changes) but that there are actually different types of requests.
  • 6
    All you have to do is work with Windows Server and never support a web application . Bam. It’s really easy. Go do IT for 8 years then get a job at a company that writes software and you’ve got the makings of a useless sysadmin from an IT background
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    There are way too many people out there with a survival mentality. If I didn't need it all this time then it's okay to not know it.
  • 1
    Reeks of office Windows only admin.
    You can manage quite a large office without both. I wonder if there is a good understanding of networking though. Lots of professional equipment is hard to manage without command line and in a large environment you are going to need that.
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