Who says 'Hmm' in a business chat???!!!
For God's sake, at least have some mannerisms before joining a business discussion. Did 'OKAY' or 'OK' have too many letters to type??!!!!!

  • 6
    I always interpret hmm to be the business casual "fuck you."
  • 6
    "OK" and "hmm" don't mean the same thing though. "OK" indicates agreement while "hmm" indicates that you haven't decided on a response.

    Of course, it's probably better to say "I'm considering" or "I'm not sure" or "Let me think about it for a moment."
  • 1
    I want some of that. I'm so tired of the degraded communication standards in professional environments.
  • 1
    What's the context of the conversation? whats wrong with saying "hmm"?

    If I worked in an environment where saying "hmm" was such a huge deal I'd probably end up quitting.
  • 3
    @reginsmol The problem is that "Hmm" doesn't have a meaning, while "I'm not sure" or "Let me think about it" does. You can hum several ways and they have different meanings. The core problem is that "Hmm" isn't English text, it's a lossy interpretation of a form of metacommunication which shouldn't be used over a text channel when the intent can be expressed by words.
  • 0
    Given you work for ISPs, I'd expect your tolerance for bullshit to be much higher.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested I'm on the engineering team, so I don't interact with any customers :) Our support, sales, and onboarding teams are the ones doing that
  • 1
    I only use "hmmm" in telecons where it means something like "not yet sure whether I agree, but I'm following, so continue".
  • 1
    @SortOfTested i used to say hmm for that reason. Didn't really work.

    I find "right..." hits the mark much better.
  • 2
    "I am Sarcassan. I was born in the Sarcassos sea, I will die in it's salty waters."
  • 2
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