Me: *Clicks red 'X'
macOS: "Do you want to close the window?" "Keep window open" "Close Window"
Me: *Clicks "Close Window"
macOS: "Are you sure you want to close the window? YOU MAY LOSE DATA!"
Me: "YES!! Close the goddamn window!"
macOS: "Window failed to close, click 'Close Window' or try again later."
Me: *Presses and holds power button to shut down.
*"Computer" restarts...
macOS: "You shut down your computer because of a problem. Would you like to close this window.
Me: *Clicks 'Close Window'
macOS: "Do you want to close the window?" "Keep window open" "Close Window"

Macintosh: It's like a computer... But not really... Well, maybe... NAAAAHHHH!!

  • 3
    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
  • 3
    Aim. (At the CPU, not the window.)

  • 1
    @Root I had the same train of thought, however, this is my work computer, and the boss wouldn’t take too kindly to that... :D
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