
Does anyone have any ideas for intermediate/high level beginner shit I can fuck around with in CPP??? Trying to stay busy but I keep whipping through all my ideas I come up with for practice.

I'm down for pretty much any challenge, as long as it doesn't require me having to DL another 13gb of some bullshit. I have all the shit I need for most situations at this point in my CPP experience!

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    How about text editor with syntax coloring and plugin support like Sublime Text?
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    @NickyBones That sounds fantastic!!!!!!
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    @mr-user ooooo!!!!! That's a good one!!!!
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    I will do both of these!!!!
    I'll share it with anyone who wants to rag on my code and have some fun haha
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    Ok share the code. I will review it for you.
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    Which build system are you planning to use?
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    @mr-user Honestly, that's going to be one of challenges awaiting me currently! That's exactly why I do stuff like this, because it's the only way to learn. I haven't made it out of the terminal yet, but I learn and adapt VERY quick. I'm reading up on everything now to prepare myself
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    @mr-user if it was JS, Python, or Flutter/Dart I'd be stacking bodies lol but CPP is VERY important, so I saved diving into it once I could invest more time and stick with it.
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