Doing a little bit of javascript and php at same time.
Im sleepy.

I am looking for function in JS that is bugged to fix, but accidently opened php file instead.

It took me hot minute of annoyance that I cant find darn function I am looking for.

time for coffee or sleep for once.

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    "Go to Symbol" not working?
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    Nah I didnt remember function name and was too sleepy to realize its wrong language
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    Just leave it at remembering one syntax ;)

    Go light: https://github.com/hirak/phpjs
    Or, go heavy: https://github.com/niklasvh/php.js
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    Holly *** i love this polyfill idea, thank you!
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    @Flygger Why would someone even do this?
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    @kamen The same reason as most things in JavaScript; it was possible and seemed like a nice thing to get working?

    At any rate it actually was possible and might make sense for some to use, basically catering to the same idea as Node in using the same language in front and back end...
    Next step from any of those takes might even be implementing a complete PHP interpreter/compiler/runtime in JavaScript to bring it properly to the client environment...
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    Let me rephraze your question so you can anwser it in your own words

    Why would anyone use libs?


    I love php -> js transpiler idea, would gladly use it.

    After quick google i found this https://github.com/tito10047/...

    Maybe javascript isnt that bad afterall?
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